Sunday, June 29, 2008

Farewell Markets

Aaron and I are officially done with our markets...until Christmas season of course!
We will miss all of our good fellow vendors...
Aaron crossing our street during sunset.

Double rainbow!!!!

Ryan Wilde (Milliner-Hat designer, Georgia (jeweler), Amy (jeweler, with one of Ryan's hats on!)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

My super too-cool-for-school nephew...

He's 4 years old!!! Time flies....

Chants help produce award-winning cheese....

Forget talking to flowers to help them grow - apparently chanting to cheese produces much better results.

The head of an Austrian school for dairy farmers claims that an album of chanting recorded by Gregorian monks has been responsible for their prize-winning cheese.

"Cheese matures with the help of micro-organisms which I am sure also feel vibes. The music is very simple and I think that is what helps," said head teacher Erich Kerngast.

The 'Chant Music of Paradise', which reached the top 10 in the UK charts is clearly number one to these Austrian cheese-makers, who play it on repeat to the two-and-a-half tonnes of cheese as it matures in the cellars of the school.

"We put in a Dolby Surround hi-fi system worth £1,600 and have been playing the Gregorian chant over and over again," said Mr Kerngast.

The dairy farmers are obviously doing something right: the school has won a (cheese) string of prizes for its Grottenhofer Auslese cheese since it began playing the monks' chants to the long-suffering produce.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Occhi & Ninja

I just found a way to make my angry fish angier.

My neighbors cat, Ninja, is a frequent visitor to my apartment....she just discovered my red, angry, old betta fish Occhi. First, she stared for about an hour, I covered the tank top so she couldn't get to him, and then she staked her territory around his fish tank. If you look closely in the pictures, you can actually see Occhi on the defensive, flared up and ready to attack.

Staking her territory

Occhi on the attack

Ninja trying to get to him.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

CBS Shoot

Another really fun CBS shoot for a "Tony Tanillo" olive oil, vinegar, tomato sauce commercial for the NYC area. Our job was to create a pretty dinner scene, but also one that could be washed out white for the camera.

The frenzy of the production area with clients & producers.